Yesterday I turned 31. I remember this time last year and how miserable I was at the thought of turning 30. For some reason I felt like 30 was a major milestone in my life. Now, a year later, I'm wondering why a simple birthday took me on a major emotional roller coaster.
The last year has been a year of transition. I moved into a new office at work. I moved into a different position with a new set of managers and a new set of direct reports. At times I was nervous about my decision to stay with the company and take on this new role, but I've been very pleasantly surprised at my success.
In the past year my youngest son Ellis turned 2. I'm not sure if any other mothers out there would agree with me or not, but I think after the 2nd birthday it gets so much easier. I feel like I can breathe again - that I'm not suffocated by the constant needs of a baby and small toddler. I joke with some of friends that after the 2nd birthday I feel like I can be myself again. It's easier to manage the motherly guilt when I spend time by myself or out with my husband.
Other small changes have taken place for me also. Owen started first grade and for the first time as a parent I've had to deal with spelling tests and homework and science projects. We started (and are close to finishing) our kitchen remodel. This project has been a major blessing. I am enjoying spending time at home cooking. And I'm enjoying spending time with friends and family more than I can put into words.
I feel that I am very blessed and am truly thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life.
My birthday celebrations actually started Thursday night. After work I got my haircut and then met my sister Penny for a sushi dinner. It's very rare for just the two of us to get out my ourselves so I cherish our time together.
I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of the boys talking to each other in bed. I love that they get along so well and enjoy each others company. The boys had hidden flowers in their closet for me. I love flowers! Ed got me an alarm clock (mine broke) and a pair of earrings. The earrings were quite a surprise because I had asked him not to buy me anything.
I took the day off work so after dropping Owen off at school Ed, Ellis, and I went and had some breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day so I never miss an excuse to go out for eggs and biscuits and gravy. After breakfast I spent the rest of the day by myself out shopping. It was so nice to be able to be out by myself, taking my time and buying whatever I wanted. After a few hours of shopping I went and got a manicure, pedicure, eyebrow wax and massage. It was pure heaven and the perfect way to end my "me" day.
For dinner Ed picked up BBQ from my favorite local joint. After the boys went to bed we watched some episodes of "How I Met Your Mother" on Netflix and had a few beers. It was a perfect day.
Tonight Ed and I are going out to a fancy dinner for my formal birthday celebration.
I don't know why I ever fear birthdays. There is nothing wrong with getting older. Over the years getting older has brought me such wonderful things - a husband, two beautiful children, a nice cozy house, and some amazing friends and family.
Life is good. I'm looking forward to what 2011, and my 31st year, have in store for me.
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